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Here's a selection of the categories we cover and why you should consider them, dig in!

We have many examples of each type and would love to send you specific links to completed projects that may better suit your needs, just get in touch and let us know what you’re looking to do.

Social Media Videos

This is our fastest growing sector, with "snackable" and "bite size" being the key phrases.

The advent of YouTube brought about a revolution, not just in style and content, but in viewing habits. Since its inception many other outlets for video have emerged and Social Media now dominates the internet. We have a ton of experience and ideas in this sector and we’re ready to meet the challenge.  We supply creative to BuzzFeed, YouTube, FaceBook, Vimeo and many other platforms. We will work with you to determine what end point is going to work best for your content.

What's Trending? Videos

Short, punchy, to the point Delivered via BuzzFeed, Instagram, Facebook, etc

We have much experience in this area and a solid reputation for delivering what’s trending, quickly to get across what is unique and special about your message.

Explainer or 'how to' Videos

Very popular and an awesome way to explain how a 'widget' fits in a 'wotsit' and what that means for the universe

A good “explainer” video can go a long way to get the customer over-the-line, in sales parlance. This is the time the “big picture” people take a back seat and the “Geeks and Techo’s” come forward to explain the “how and with what” Done well these videos are a key facet of your on-line media line-up and should not be overlooked.

TV Videos

We still do a little TV content and although much reduced is still a vital asset for those who can afford its costs

This breaks down into promotional and programming, in our case TVC’s and Doco’s. We have the skill set to produce both and well, however the production costs when you include broadcasting can be prohibitive for some. Is their life after TV? we say yes, but not as we know it Jim.

Crowdfunding Videos

Kickstarter, Indiegogo, gofundme, the list is growing and Video is the way to go

After the financial wobbles of the recent past, Crowdsourcing or funding has grow in popularity, mainly on the back of the Internet. Our contribution to this genre is to provide Video to explain . . . the Propostion, Idea or simply tease ahead of the big launch.

Here’s a good example of a bit everything.

Documentary Videos

For the web

You can’t beat a good doco and to be honest it’s our favourite type of project, we’ve done our share and some go on to become a series!

just like this one